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Monday, August 24, 2015

Pageantry is normally described as a spectacular celebration, especially one involving contestants or simply a beauty contest. But is this really the description of this worldwide or even universal industry?

2014 Miss Universe Paulina Vega of Colombia
(Photo Courtesy: Paulina Vega Dieppa Facebook Official)

Beauty Pageant is not only beauty competition alone. It also goes with other 2 B’s - Body and Brains. Beauty contestants’ decade after decade changes its common feature, again common, meaning majority of them. In the 1950’s, based on photos (because I was not born at that time, so I just refer to photos) - faces of Beauty Queens resemble a circular structure of the face then here comes the 2010’s, the face structure of the contestants resemble an elongated or somewhat a long appearance, wide forehead then narrowed down to the small pointed chin. The Body, is the second factor of this field. Before, ladies can join, and even win the crown if they look like a chubby and healthy individual. And now, the thinner the arms and the longer the legs are much anticipated. Let me add also, the height is plus points as well. Brains, the most important event the judges must be alert. Why? Because they will hear and listen what the contestants will say. It is in their functioning brains that they will decide who will stay longer and come back again next year to turn over the crown. For the contestants, this is where the toughest preparation will be showcased. In the past, common answers are well applauded but now, in diligence to television, internet and other mass media vehicles, people, I mean the audience or the pageant fans, want a spectacular answer that no one ever had said before. Or else you will be Runner-Up or a Non-placer.

Pageant add-ons are always on the rise. Talent portion - showcasing the contestant’s talent singing, dancing, acrobatics, arts or more. Costume parade, the most expensive part, much more expensive than the gown or formal attire. In which the gown or formal wear has more points in determining the winner. Athletics or sports activities are added to have more physical interests among the contestants. Social media or internet vote is a platform for the people to choose and be recognized in their vote of whose who, be the semifinalist, best in costume, Miss photogenic or whatever the scheme of the pageant. The most compelling part, aside from the swimwear, gown (or formal wear for men) and question and answer portion is the humanitarian act or community service of the entrants. It involves caring for the children, awareness or prevention of diseases, environmental protection, heritage preservation, tourism promotion, equal rights legalization, brotherhood, and so on.

Just a bit, let me introduce myself to all of you, I am Aeccygel Tubat from the Philippines and a Pageant Fan. Welcome to CLUSTEREUM where the CLUSTERs of Pageantry will continue such as a musEUM. Thank you.

2014 Miss World Rolene Strauss of South Africa
(Photo Courtesy: Rolene Strauss Facebook Official)


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