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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The 5 basic reasons why Mister Universal Ambassador will support the mission of UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund):

1. Health and Nutrition
The number of children who die before their 5th birthday is falling in Asia, and less mothers lose their lives due to problems in pregnancy - but still mortality rates are too high, and too many children and women face unneccesary threats to their health. We work to support improving knowledge of health and nutrition, support improved standards and quality of services, and help those responsible for health care to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources.

2. Basic Education for All
We have been working with the Government of Indonesia, educationalists, local communities and others to ensure more children stay in school to complete their education, support the quality of education and teaching standards, and look for innovative ways to help more children benefit from learning, both inside and outside formal classrooms.

3. Child Protection
UNICEF works with a wide range of partners to ensure every child is afforded full protection of its rights, in line with international standards, with special attention paid to the most vulnerable and at-risk children.

4. Fighting HIV/AIDS
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are a serious potential threat to the health and well-being of many people, but many people know little about the issue; we work to ensure that children and young people understand the risks of the HIV virus, how to protect themselves against it, and to promote respect and understanding for those living with HIV and AIDS.

5. Water and Environmental Sanitation
Ensuring familes in the most vulnerable communities have access to clean water and good sanitation, and know how to protect their health through effective hygiene are all critical parts of UNICEF's work in Indonesia.

You can also be involve in this humanitarian mission, visit here for further information:

(Photo Courtesy: Mister Universal Ambassador / IMP Organization / UNICEF)


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