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Friday, September 2, 2011

My speech – future of a blue green Canada

I am not going to advocate that green house gases contribute to global so people should stop driving cars worldwide, as I cannot even convince my own mother to stop using her car or to rely on fossil fuel powered electricity to heat our home! Believe me, I’ve tried! [ooops.... I hope she is not in the room] I can only advocate for my country, Canada, where must create a reliable alternative to fossil fuels that enough people like my mother can comfortably use and also tax incentives to ensure that they switch. Yes, her bathroom is now green certified due the Ontario tax incentives.

Why change Canada? Its not just because I want my wonderful home to be lovelier, but there is a real problem here because Canada have one of the highest productions of fossil fuels per-capita in the world. Here is my plan to change this:

If I am Miss Earth Canada, I will use my reign to leave a legacy behind, that I contributed to reducing pollution and creating a healthier environment by lobbying parliament and corporations to create more investment and jobs into environmentally friendly technologies to reduce Canada’s energy reliance polluting sources. There is a $11.5 billion gap of what Canada should be investing in clean technologies, compared to the U.S.That's one big hole right there. No wonder we are one of the top polluters per capita: there is no investment in the alternative. If the government is not going to do, I'm going to do it. It may sound ambitious but here is my man:

My vision to reduce global warming is to create and initiative in Canada to bring the private sector together to promote clean energy and its marketing and investment, and if it works help replicate this model in other countries. If young women around the world all achieve a little success in their countries –pollution that causes global warming can be reduced by a lot. The concept is to fill the $11.5 billion gap bring companies that support green initiatives like Scotia Bank, Telus, and others who believe in corporate responsibility and create a non-profit fund classified as a charity for supporting, investing in and promoting innovation in clean energy technologies and lobbying for it in parliament. Ideally, we’ll lobby to get matching grants. Charitable status will enable businesses to write off 29% and will be an incentive to donate, and as a separate body aimed at loaning to companies and issuing stocks traded on the TSX for green energy companies will be a way to give great ideas great funding. We need to connect the people with the solutions with businesses, bankers and investors.

Finally, we need to send our best and brightest to trade shows and lobby aggressively for investors in clean technology in Canada on the international scene. As individuals and organizations we can pool our resources, change Canada and the world.

Canada missed creating 66,000 jobs by not matching its investment for clean energy to the U.S.’s level and one British study said up to a quarter of a million jobs were not created if Canada did not maximize its investment in clean energy. The tertiary economy – blue collar jobs drive the service sector, and most other sectors. In economics it’s called the trickle-down effect; if blue collar workers get jobs, they go to restaurants and shopping, creating jobs for waiters and shop assistants. Those jobs create jobs and suddenly everyone is richer, and companies make more and hire more because of economies of scale so everyone is richer. Investing in green jobs is not only good for the environment; it makes our country richer, spiritually, environmentally and financially richer.

A studying for blue collar jobs in Hamilton show that 30% of new jobs came from clean energy firms, and for green jobs, firms are hiring hundreds while firms are only hiring in tens for blue collar jobs. Creating green stocks, money market funds, and mutual funds in a growth industry is a win-win. People building their pensions earn more and more green jobs are financed.

Right now the Canadian government is cutting research related jobs and research funding across the board and it is this research and investment that is vital to create clean energy to replace fossil fuels that are correlated with global warming. The private sector should step in to fill this gap and then after we have produced results, we can bring the government on board through matching grants, lobbying and many other means.

Canada has some amazing innovations like the tidal wave technology developed in Newfoundland that would reduce population if they replace fossil fuels, and they create lots of jobs. Technologies like this one can be promoted at international fairs, putting our heads together collectively as business people in the private sector, we can find the best way to attract investment. China invested twice of what the U.S. has in green technologies and is a major market for green technology.

The first Canadian black female Member of Parliament, the Honorable Jean Augustine told me great words of wisdom from her grandmother, “if everyone cleans only their little corner of the world, but each person cleans up or tries to fix their little space, from the combined efforts, you’ll change the world.”

My vision is for a greener and more prosperous Canada and world. My dream is that one day clean energy production in Canada exceeds that of fossil fuels. I am from Ottawa and live on a 15 minute drive from parliament. If I make Miss Earth Canada, I will have enough of a stature to open many more doors not only lobbying, but in the private sector to create the first step to a richer, greener, cleaner Canada, and then world.


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